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2021-03-12 16:56 【



Department: IFPRI Beijing office/ Macro Agriculture Research Institute (MARI), Huazhong Agricultural University

LOCATION: Macro Agriculture Research Institute, Huazhong Agricultural University

Closing date: March 31, 2021

Job Summary:

Beijing Office of International Food Policy research Institute (IFPRI) and Macro Agriculture Research Institute (MARI) of Huazhong Agricultural University seek one qualified candidate to support strategic, policy-focused research across a range of geographic scales from sub-national through to global. Current regional foci are Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia, but global perspectives on challenges and opportunities for poverty and hunger alleviation in developing countries pervade much of the work of this program. The success of the research program will depend, in part, on its ability to develop and maintain large, integrated sets of spatial and tabular data linked to a range of biophysical (e.g., hydrological, crop growth, land degradation and land use) and economic models. Thematically, data and analyses will encompass spatial dimensions of climate and climate change, soils, agricultural production systems, ecosystem services, economic activity, market access, and multiple dimensions of human well-being. The ability to bridge gaps between different scales, methods, and disciplinary perspectives is central to the work of the program. The incumbent will report to the IFPRI researcher in Washington DC, USA. This is a two-year, fixed-term, renewable appointment. This position is based at Macro Agriculture Research Institute, Huazhong Agricultural University (Wuhan, China), but might involve travel to the countries in which IFPRI carries out its research and have the opportunity to transfer to Washington DC, USA.

Essential Duties:

Specific duties include but are not limited to:

l Document, catalogue, and manage a very large and growing collection of national, regional and global spatial data sets.

l Write database, object-oriented, or procedural language code to perform specialized analytical functions related to biophysical and economic applications of large datasets.

l Articulate and implement the spatial (primarily raster-based) analysis tasks required to achieve GIS related technical outputs (e.g., reclassification, reprojection, multi-criteria model building, network analysis).

l Contribute to the design to share spatial data, analytical tools and analytical results through both the intranet and the internet, in collaboration with the Information Technology specialists at IFPRI and the CGIAR.

l Process basic biophysical data for given polygons (either spatial or administrative boundaries) or GPS points to be matched to households survey data.

Required Qualifications:

l Master’s degree in Engineering, Geography, Natural resource economics or related field

l Proficient in scientific programming language such as C++, Fortran, Python, or Java

l Familiarity with data management, processing, and analysis

l Significant experience using major GIS software such as ArcGIS or GRASS

l Familiarity with remote sensing applications and modelling, in particular on cropland, grassland and forestry

l Fluency in oral and written English and Chinese

l Excellent writing and analytical skills in both English and Chinese

l Ability to work independently and effectively with colleagues from diverse cultures

l Good interpersonal skills

Preferred Qualifications:

Sound knowledge of international agricultural policy, economic development, and natural resources.

Previous experience working on international development issues and/or extensive knowledge of relevant development issues within an academic context.

Note: Salary to be negotiated with all benefits required by labor regulations in China

To apply: Please send resume to / , Please use the format as follow for the subject of your application email: Job Title-Applicant's name.

IFPRI (www.ifpri.org) is one of the international agricultural research institutes organized under the umbrella of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR). The mandate of IFPRI is to identify and analyze alternative national and international strategies and policies for meeting world food needs in ways that conserve the natural resource base, with emphasis on low income and on the poorer groups in the countries.

IFPRI offers a multicultural, collegial research environment with competitive salary and excellent benefits. IFPRI is an international and equal opportunity organization and believes that diversity of its staff contributes to excellence. We encourage women and developing country professionals to apply.


招聘职位: 科研分析员


工作地点: 华中农业大学宏观农业研究院



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